Half-marathon training plan: 12 weeks until my first 21,1K

So as many of you might know I have registered to run a half-marathon at the Narva Energy Run on the 15th of June. I wrote about that in “My goals for the year 2014” and it is one of my top goals in workouts and fitness this year. 21,1 kilometres. A lot!

I registered in December 2013 and actually had a training plan ready even before that. I’m the master planner obviously 😀 I found the original 12-week training plan somewhere online, I think it was that one. I modified it to my personal preference and needs.

So I came up with something that looks like this:

Poolmaratoni treeningplaan JJV

I used my regular colours on this plan: 

  • running (regular and races)

  • muscle workouts

  • cycling

  • swimming

  • Nike Training Day: lots of different group workouts. More information here.

This plan might change a little here and there because let’s face it: sometimes life happens and you have to change some stuff, especially when considering my recent hamstring injury. The most unsure are Fridays since I don’t know when I’ll have Zumba classes with my best friend and when I won’t. But in general my plan is to do 2 Jooks Jõud Venitus workouts, one of them focused on intervals (Wednesday), one more focused on strength (Monday) and one slower and longer run on Saturdays. I’m also going to be doing 2 muscle workouts (BodyPump preferably), cycling and swimming. Occasionally do other stuff like Zumba, long walks etc as well.  Those extra workouts can change according to how I feel. If I feel like I need more rest, I might skip something in the plan; if I feel like doing more, I will. I’ve also started to think about doing a foam rolling class but it overlaps with Tuesday’s BP… I might have to buy a foam roller and roll at home a couple of times per week to really condition and stretch my muscles.

When it comes to nutrition, I won’t be changing much. Maybe only add more root vegetables and some fruits to get more carbs at the end of May and beginning of June when I have longer and more serious distances to run (like 15+ kilometres). I’m going to do everything according to how I feel and try my best to listen to my body’s signals. 

Whether I’ll do a carb-up right before the race, I don’t know yet. How do you carb-up without grains? I just feel miserable after eating grains: bloating, heartburn, gas and extreme heaviness in my stomach. So I don’t really want to eat them… What should I eat to get more carbs? Potatoes? Bananas? What else? I have no idea! More research needs to be done in that department. Liberal low carb is the plan from May I guess.

What do you think: can I do it? Is this a reasonable plan? What should I change? Let me know in the comments!

10 kommentaari “Half-marathon training plan: 12 weeks until my first 21,1K

  1. Üks soovitus kohe kindlasti… jäta viimane jooks reedel ära, see mis on vahetult enne poolmaratoni. Puhka kolm päeva enne seda kindlalt! Puhkus on oluline, keha vajab seda, et areneda, siis on tulemused paljupalju paremad. Ja palun söö süsivesikuid, vähemalt nende kolme viimase päeva ajal enne poolmaratoni. Muidu sa ei pea vastu ja see jooks kujuneb su jaoks rohkem piinarikkaks kui sa arvata võid. Usu mind.
    Mina teeksin selle 17-19 km j umbes poolteist kuni isegi nädal enne jooksu.

    Kahju, et sa pastat ei saa süüa, ehk proovida gluteeni vaba pastat õhtu enne jooksu? Võibolla see ei mõju nii hullult.

    Arvesta, et energiakulu poolmaratoni ajal on vähemalt 2000kcal. Seetõttu on oluline et süsivesikute kujul oleksid kehal energia varud.

    Ma loodan, et sa teed rohkem rest day-sid kui su plaanis on kirjas, sest muidu kurnad sa oma keha ehk päris ära.

    Soovin sulle JÕUDU, vastupidavust ja motivatsiooni ! 🙂


    1. Järgmine kommenteerija soovitas just üks õhtu enne võistlust jooksmas käia 😀 Palju erinevaid teooriaid ja soovitusi olen selle kohta saanud/lugenud 🙂

      Eks ma proovin mingil määral süsivesikuid lisada oma menüüsse, nt tärkliserikaste toitudega (kartul, bataat, banaan) kui ka marjade ja muu taolisega. Ma arvan, et juba see annab päris palju powerit juurde, kui muidu kogu aeg vähendatud süsivesikutega toitumist harrastada. Igal juhul nendel 16 ja 19 km jooksude eel saan oma strateegia järele proovida 🙂

      Puhkepäevade arv tuleb üpris jooksvalt, olenevalt enesetundest. Kõik EZ märgistusega trennid saavad ka väga kerged ja lõõgastavad olema.

      Aitäh, Susanna! 🙂


  2. Hello!
    I really enjoy reading your blog 🙂
    I am also planning to run half-marathon and I got some tips from the Hansons method. According to the Hansons your weekly long run should be significantly less than 50% of your weekly mileage because too long runs increase the risk of injuries. Also you should run with tired legs for example run on the next day after the intervals. In this way you will be preparing your body for the last part of the race when your legs will be tired of running.
    Hansons don’t recommend resting on the day before the race, they say that short and easy run would be better. Easy run on the day before the race will calm you down and you will have a good night sleep 🙂


    1. I will look more into Hansons when I have time (crazy busy time at uni right now). Doing long runs after intervals: I don’t know about that. I’m a slow runner as is, what will happen when running with tired legs, I don’t know 😀
      I appreciate your feedback and refence to Hansons 🙂


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