Workout Week 30.12.2013–5.01.2014

In Workout Week posts I will tell you everything about my last week’s workouts.

Monday: muscle workout. I played my BodyPump playlist and worked on all major muscle groups. I did a short warm-up, squats, push-ups, one exercise for my back, triceps push-ups, dumbbell exercises for triceps, biceps and shoulders, different crunches for abs, lunges for glutes and hamstings and a couple of planks. Made the most of the gear I have! And ofcourse: walked my dog. In the evening enjoyed swimming and saunas with my dad. Thanks, Triin! 🙂

Tuesday: ran away from the new year 😀 A great run ended 2013: average pace of 6:37 min per km, 7K and only a little slower than my great run on Christmas Day. Also walked my dog.

Wednesday: first day of 2014! I slept until noon and then got a great idea to go running in Pannjärve Health Center (about 20 km from my home). My mom was on board right away but brother and father needed more convincing. But they came! 🙂 My family walked and I ran. I planned on running a 7,5K lap but somehow got on the wrong track and ended up doind two 3K laps and one 2K lap. 8 kilometres of constantly running uphill and downhill in a really beautiful place! Average pace: 7:15 min per km. I should go there more often. 

Thursday was running day again but I felt a little tired and decided to take it easy. Average pace: 7:12 min per km. Distance: 6,57 km. After running took my dog for a walk. In the evening I felt really really cold and got a small fever. I was worried that I would have to cancel Friday’s Zumba class…

Friday: Zumba and walking. I slept really long and got out of bed around noon. The fever was gone and I was feeling a lot better. I ate and then walked my dog. At 6 PM had a Zumba class with my friend. It was great as usually.

Saturday began with a morning weigh-in. I was surprised in a really really bad way. I’m pretty depressed from that experience. 😦 I really thought I would have lost weight since I haven’t cheated with any high-carb stuff since the Christmas holidays were over. New Year’s was low carb all the way for me. But obviously I’m eating too much of my low carb foods and snack too much. On Food Fridays I’m great, they motivate me a lot but other days… Snacking with cheese, ham, coconut oil, cauliflower etc constantly, even when I’m not that hungry: too much energy still means a weight gain! At least for me. I just have too much great food at my parents’ house. I’m TERRIFIED to weigh myself after my vacation in Thailand that begins in a week. And it’s not just weight that is increasing, the measurements killmy mood even more.

This is happening right now. Need to get myself together again.
This is happening right now. Need to get myself together again.

Enough of depressing. After my weigh-in I was angry enough to really kill a swimming session. 45 minutes and 1500 metres of front crawl and some stretches. In the afternoon made a walk with my dog and mom.

Sunday was also a swimming day. 500 m of breaststroke, 500 m of backstroke, 500 m of front crawl. Around noon also made a walk with mom and dog. Still felt like sh*t and hated the scales (and myself a little). I’m failing my New Year’s promises to not gain weight, stress less and be successful without a food diary.


In total:

3 hours 30 minutes of walking

2 hours 30 minutes of running

1 hour 30 minutes of swimming

1 hour of muscle exercises

1 hour of Zumba


Workout-wise it was a really good week actually but the weight-topic really ruined everything for me. I know I can lose the weight again but not only in the week I have before my vacation which won’t be strict low-carb and super healthy and probably will make my weight go even more up. I’m kid of clueless right now. I’m going to try to lose weight even harder for the 7 days I have before travelling. Let’s see where that gets me…

4 kommentaari “Workout Week 30.12.2013–5.01.2014

  1. Ma suvel huvi pärast proovisin LCHF-i paar nädalat. Kaalukadu oli ümmargune 0. Samas ei olnud/ole ma ülekaalus (KMI kõigub 20-22 vahel). Enesetunne ei muutunud ka kuidagi, tegelikult olin pigem uimasem. Järeldasin sellest, et mulle see ei sobi ja jätkasin tavapäraselt.Praegu on seoses rasedusega jubedad isud kartuli, pasta ja saia-leiva järgi. Enne tarbisin neid harva ja vähe. Kaalu täpselt ei tea, aga riided istuvad seljas hoopis vabamalt ehk ilmselt olen kaalus mõned kilod kaotanud. Ümbermõõdud on ka vähenenud. Söön siis, kui isu on, ja saan süüa ainult väikeseid portsjoneid. Olen avastanud, et ka varem on end mitte kurguni täis söömise tulemuseks olnud ilus lihtne kaalukadu.Kindlasti võta stressamine kontrolli alla, sest muidu võid hiljem söömishäirega hädas olla! Endal õnneks ei ole söömishäireid olnud, aga tunnistan, et paar korda olen nende kujunemistee alguses olnud. Tunded-mõtted olid väga sarnased Sinu omadega. Õnneks on mul tähelepanelikud lähedased, kes oskavad mind maa peale tuua.


  2. KMI näitaja on ju väga hea, eks LCHF pidavatki selline toitumine olema, mis kaalu normaliseerib ja millega alakaalulised isegi juurde võtta saavad. Esimesed nädalad võibki veidi uimane olla, paljud inimesed kogevad seda. Mina pääsesin õnneks alguses igasugustest süsivesikute võõrutusnähtudest. :)Palju õnne lisanduva pereliikme puhul! Võib-olla ongi kaalukaotus põhjustatud väiksematest portsjonitest. Eks kaalu langetamiseks on ka muid teid peale LCHFi, tunnistan seda täiesti. Igaühele oma! :)Pean enda stressamise kontrolli alla saama tõesti, selles on Sul õigus. See oli ka minu uue aasta eesmärk ning ma tõesti tahan leida selle normaalse ja tervisliku suhtumise toitumisse. Kogu elu on mu suhe toidusse olnud natuke või palju vale. Tahaksin jõuda mingisugusesse tasakaalupunkti, kus end igati hästi tunnen.


    1. Hea artikkel, ma ju tegelikult tean seda kõike teoorias ja olen sellest ka oma blogis kirjutanud, aga kahjuks praktikas on ikkagi valus näha numbreid, mida pole oodanud 🙂


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