Food Friday 4.04.2014: officially off LCHF

On Food Fridays I will tell you about everything I ate that day. No matter if it is a good day or not: you will see it all. 

Yes, you did read that title right: I’m off LCHF or any sort of low-carb diet. Or any diet for that matter. 

No, I did not “give up”. No, I’m not going to “go crazy” and stuff my face with thousands of calories. I feel stronger than ever before, on a physical, mental and emotional level. I’m ready to achieve my goals the healthy way and be happy while doing it. 

I don’t want to get too much into my nutrition right now. I don’t want to summarize it with any sentences that sound good. I don’t want to have a slogan or a theory behind my eating. I’m still figuring out how things will exactly be. All I can say right now, is that the book “How to Have Your Cake and Skinny Jeans Too” by Josie Spinardi totally revolutionized EVERYTHING. Turns out, all I really needed was some food psychology. My deepest and most honest THANK YOU to the person who recommended it. I don’t know how or if I can ever repay you for that!



Breakfast: 7.30 AM

This was my quick breakfast before jumping on my bicycle for the first time in 2014 and riding to the city to do some swimming in the pool.

  • 65 grams of full grain oat flakes 

  • 100 grams of 2,5% milk

  • water

  • 25 grams of raisins

  • 60 grams of pear


Lunch: noon

  • 150 grams of boiled buckwheat

  • 150 grams of beetroot and garlic salad

  • 225 grams of liver sauce (In Estonian: maksakaste; not sure how to translate this, it’s pieces of liver pan-fried with some onion, then stewed and made into a sauce with some sour cream and flour to thicken it)


Dinner: 6 PM

  •  75 grams of dipping sauce (made of kefir)

  • 170 grams of cauliflower

  • 125 grams of preserved pumpkin

  • 30 grams of cheese

  • 50 grams of smoked ham

  • 45 grams of bread

  • 120 grams of 3% cottage cheese

  • 2 teaspoons of homemade strawberry jam


Nutrition information

The "Your Goal" is actually not my goal, it's just what LifeSum gives you based on your activity and body stats
The “Your Goal” is actually not my goal, it’s just what LifeSum gives you based on your activity and body stats

I really want to point out that I’m not counting anything (macros, calories) anymore. Today I weighed my food and wrote it down in a notepad only to make this blogpost. I weighed my food, made notes in the Notes app on my phone and put the data in LifeSum app just before making this post. I didn’t track calories during the day or pay any attention to nutrition facts when choosing my food. I just ate homemade food when I was hungry.



A lot of disclaimers in this Food Friday. I debated long and hard whether to make a Food Friday post today at all. I decided to make one. I don’t know how to introduce my current eating habits (I don’t want to use the words new plan because I see this solution as something different than a plan) with words so let the pictures to the talking 🙂

If you have any questions about my nutrition… well, you can ask but I’m not sure I can answer them all just yet. This is all very new to me. But one thing is 100% sure: I’m not on LCHF anymore. I’m done with dieting. 

Next Food Friday in a week!



(By the way: the introduction sentence of this post series – “On Food Fridays I will tell you about everything I ate that day. No matter if it is a good day or not: you will see it all.” – doesn’t really suit my philosophy anymore. I mean, I still will tell you about every single bite of food that day but I don’t label days with words “good” or “bad” anymore.)

13 kommentaari “Food Friday 4.04.2014: officially off LCHF

  1. Ouo, ikka täiesti teine pilt reedesest toidulauast, kas pole. Mul on niiii hea meel, tundub, et leidsid midagi, mis su elu rõõmsamaks ja ehk ka lihtsamaks teeb! 🙂


  2. Ka mul oli nii hea meel Su eilset postitust lugeda. Proovisin ise ka LCHF toitumist, kuid tõepoolest ei tohiks toitusid labeldada headeks ja halbadeks. Süüa tuleb ikka seda mida keha vajab. Keha kuulamine on vahel lihtsalt nii raske :(. Edu Sulle Sinu õpingutes ja tervisliku eluviisiga. Väga tubli oled!


  3. Väga äge ja julge muutus! Minu arvates on selline lähenemine igati tervislik ja usun, et paned uue taktika enda jaoks tööle.
    Lisaks näevad toidud väga head välja (ausalt öeldes söön ise ka enam-vähem sarnaselt) 🙂


  4. Mina olen ka proovinud erinevaid lahenemisi, kaasa arvatud LCHF, mis mulle uldse ei sobinud, keeras mu seedimise tuksi ja kaotasin igasuguse energia, et pikka maad joosta voi joutrenni teha. Minagi leidsin enda jaoks selle oige motlemise ja viisi, kuidas toituda. Minu jaoks on selleks toitumiskava ja ma olen kurb, et seda varem ei tellinud. Ma ei pea enam end hullumoodi piirama, ei pea kaloreid lugema. Soon puhast ja maitsvat toitu, koht on tais ja kaal langeb, mida sa veel oskad tahta! Sulle aga palju edu!


    1. Tegelikult oli LCHF’il väga palju häid külgi, õppisin enda ja tervise kohta üpris palju juurde. Peakski sellest oma blogis kirjutama varsti…
      Tore, et Sinagi endale sobiva lahenduse leidnud oled!


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