Food Friday 21.03.2014

On Food Fridays I will tell you about everything I ate that day. No matter if it is a good day or not: you will see it all. 

I was up bright and early today and the first thing on my list was a swimming session. After that I ran some errands and did food shopping. All of that caused my breakfast become a brunch which then made all of my eating times move a little.



1st meal: 10.45 AM

My plate of food + had some extra cauliflower that didn't fit on that photo :)
My plate of food + had some extra cauliflower that didn’t fit on that photo 🙂
  • 2 eggs

  • 2 slices of bacon

  • 2 slices of cheese

  • 10 grams of flax seeds

  • 300 grams of raw cauliflower

  • 150 grams of sauerkraut


2nd meal: 4.45 PM


  • 1 stewed chicken thigh

  • 200 grams of frozen spinach

  • 15 grams of olive oil 

  • 300 grams of raw cauliflower


3rd meal: 9.45 PM

I had a triathlon seminar from 6–8.30 PM. I thought since Google Maps showed it was 4K away (actually it was 5 km), I would walk there and back. I managed to get lost on the way but fortunately got to the event 1 minute before the official starting time. But since it took me a while to walk back + I visited Prisma and bought a foam roller (yay!), my last meal ended up being kind of late.

You can buy foam rollers from Prisma. It was called a Pilates roll and cost me 9,95€. The longer version cost 19,95€.
You can buy foam rollers from Prisma. It was called a Pilates roll and cost me 9,95€. The longer version cost 19,95€.


  • 200 grams of ricotta

  • 50 grams of plain yogurt

  • 10 grams of dark cocoa powder  

  • a dash of cinnamon

  • sweetener



Nutrition information

A good day finally when I didn’t feel like eating everything in my cupboards and fridge although after inserting everything into Lifesum, I realised I burned about 1200 kcal today with all the walking and swimming. It sure doesn’t feel like it 🙂 Oh, and also: I felt so much better after getting a lot of thoughts and support on my recent blog post yesterday. Thank you all for that! 


Next Food Friday in a week!

4 kommentaari “Food Friday 21.03.2014

  1. Ma ise kaloreid ei loe ja end väga asjatundjaks ka sel teemal ei pea. Kuid kas su kaloraaž mitte liiga madal pole, arvestades trennikoormust? See võib olla ju üks põhjus, miks sul tekivad ülesöömishood ja kaal ei lange?


    1. Olen suhteliselt ummikus normaalse kalorite arvu leidmisega. Keskmine kaloraaž üle pika perioodi tuleb kuskile 1800 kcal kanti umbes. Ideaalis oleks hea, kui üldse neid lugema ei peaks ja keha ise otsustaks, kui palju süüa tahab ja see oleks ka nö inimlik kogus. Kindlasti võib liialt madal kaloraaž olla söömishoogude taga. Kuskilt see keskmine kokku ju peab tulema… Keha olen segadusse ajanud kogu selle süsteemitamisega 😦


  2. Samas, piltide põhjal tundub nagu täiesti normaalne kogus toitu, minu meelest. Ma ei tea sellest kaloriasjandusest suurt midagi. Üritan ise vältida kalorite lugemist, iga kord kui olen püüdnud seda teha, siis jookseb juhe kokku ja asi lõppeb mingi totaalse ülesöömisega 🙂


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